Fedora Downgrade (Updated)
I finally took the time to downgrade my Fedora 18 installation to Fedora 17. It's just too buggy right now. I'll give Fedora 19 a chance whenever it is realeased. I still prefer the Gnome 3 desktop to any others I have tried, but I need a solid base. I can't have NFS crashing my system or reboot constantly to deal with slow loading applications.
Ok, after playing with Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Fedora 17, I decided to go back to Fedora 18. I'm thinking they may have a patched a few bugs since the initial download was offered to the public. I was able to install it withou issue, I didn't have any issues with NFS transfers causing the UI to crash, and installing new rpm repositories occured smoothly like it did in earlier versions of Fedora. I doin't know why my initial installation of Fedoar 18 was so buggy, but I'm pleased that I decided to come back.
I do think that Gnome 3 is the best Linux desktop at the moment. I also think it is one of the best modern desktops period. It is the most coherent Linux desktop by far and I think it is beatifully minimalist. I stand by my assertion that trying to make Gnome touch friendly is a waste of time, but I like most of the other work the Gnome project is doing. Keep up the great work!